Arctic Game Presents:
Boden Game Changer

We had so much fun during Arctic Game Presents: Boden Game Changer 2024 and we are already looking forward to next year! We’re rolling again on April 3, 2025. Until then, watch the video from Boden Game Changer 2024:

During the conference you will have the opportunity to engage with industry expert keynotes on the main stage, as well as participate in more intimate discussions during breakout sessions where we delve into four different tracks.

Date: April 3, 2025
Location: Verkstan, Boden Business Park

Contact information:
Do you have any questions or need further information?
Please don’t hesitate to contact Sofia Lundström at

Please mark your calendars and stay tuned for further updates!

Schedule Thursday 2024

Keynotes on the Main stage in Verkstan

9:30 – 10.00 – Registration opens

10:00 – 10.15 – Inauguration of the second Boden Game Changer Conference – Mattias Bergqvist, Founder of Boden Game Camp with our Moderator Andrew Allen

10:15 – 11.00 – Keynote #1 – Hind Toufga, EMEA Representative, Nordic Game
– The Impact of Games on Changing World Cultures.

11:00 – 11.15 – Break – Networking and mingle

11:15 – 12.00 – Keynote #2 – Björn Flintberg, Researcher and strategist, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
– Why the ecosystem matters – game clusters and their role in building a games industry.

11:30 – 13.00 – Lunch
Lunch is included for all participants and will be served in the private restaurant across the street from the venue.

13:00 – 13.45 – Keynote #3 – Nika Bender,  Lead Live Producer, DICE & Kevin Moore, Supervising Technical Director, DICE
– Reshaping Battlefield 2042: A Live Service Journey.

13:45 – 14.00 – Break – Networking and mingle

14:00 – 14.45 – Keynote #4 – Nickole Li, Principal Game Designer, Mojang Studios
– Things I Wish I Didn’t Have To Do.

14:45 – 15.00 – Break – Networking and mingle

15:00 – 15.45 – Keynote #5 – Christian Fonnesbech, CEO & Head of IP, Leverage
– Building game IPs and brands – the 10 most common mistakes.

15:45 – 16.00 – Break – Networking and mingle

16.00 – 16.45 – Keynote #6 – Panel Discussion
– Kevin Moore, Supervising Technical Director, DICE
– Joel Nallo, Senior 3D Artist/Designer, Metagravity
– Peter Lindgren, Technical Director, Arrowhead Game Studios
– Jenny Österlund, CEO, Gameboost
Topic: How to overcome fear of future tech and what strategies should be employed.

16.45 – 17.00 – Closing remarks

21:00 – 01.00 – After Party at M/S Bränna.
All attendees with a conference ticket have access to the after party at M/S Bränna Strand in Central Boden.
Mandatory age limit: 18+

Production and Tech track in conference room ”Älven”

Explore the latest technology and production practices in game development. From software engineering to game design, this track will provide insights and tools to drive innovation and excellence in game production.

11:15 – 12.00 – Talk#1 – Ali Farha, Senior Producer, Star Stable Entertainment
– Passion Weeks’ and the Art of Balancing Creativity with Production.

11:30 – 13.00 – Lunch

13:00 – 13.45 – Talk#2 – Marie Daniel, Outsourcing and Release Manager, Amplifier Studios
– Console Certification 101.

13:45 – 14.00 – Break – Networking and mingle

14:00 – 14.45 – Talk#3 – Simon Östling, Cloud Architect, Google
– Gaming infrastructure in the Cloud.

14:45 – 15.00 – Break – Networking and mingle

15:00 – 15.45 – Talk#4 – Nika Bender, Lead Live Producer, DICE
– The Three Stooges of Game Production.

Company Strategies and Growth track in conference room ”Salongen”

Dive deep into strategic approaches to company growth and success. We will analyze successful business models, innovation strategies, and how to position oneself for long-term success in a competitive market.

11:00 – 11.45 – Talk#1 – Harry Heath, Co-Owner, Cold Sector
– Why You Should Be Paying Attention to Wholesome & Cozy Games.

11:30 – 13.00 – Lunch

13:00 – 13.45 – Info Session – Meet Arctic Game
– Do you want to know more about our projects and what we do? Do you have an idea you want to share? Come and meet the Arctic Game team and join us for a cup of coffee!

13:45 – 14.00 – Break – Networking and mingle

14:00 – 14.45 – Talk#2 – Johan Strömberg, Director Business Development, Wanderword.
– Focus, Fail fast and know your customer.

14:45 – 15.00 – Break – Networking and mingle

15:00 – 15.45 – Female Meetup Workshop – Jenny Österlund & Hind Toufga
– Why Do Women in the Games Industry Hesitate to Pursue Leadership Roles?

Schedule Friday 2024

Keynotes on the Main stage in Verkstan

9:00 – 09.15 – Morning coffee

09:15 – 10.00 – Keynote #1 – Ali Farha, Senior Producer, Star Stable Entertainment
– From Dreams in Reality: This is How Games Changed My Life.

10:00 – 10.15 – Break – Networking and mingle

10:15 – 11.00 – Keynote #2 – Jonnie Rönnqvist, Industry Lead Nordics, Google Cloud Games, Google
– How Do I Truly Care for the Environment when Developing Great Games?

11:00 – 11.45 – Keynote #3 – Stefan Lampinen, Managing Director & Founder, Game Advisor Ltd.
– Navigating the Gaming Landscape: Past, Present, and Future Perspectives.

11:45 – 12.00 – Closing remarks

Ledership, HR and Careers track in conference room ”Salongen”

Understand the role of leadership in shaping the future of the gaming industry and how HR practices can support career development and growth. We will explore leadership strategies, diversity initiatives, and best practices for personnel development and career advancement.

09:15 – 10.15 – Talk#1 – Jenny Österlund, CEO, Gameboost
– Sustainable (self) leadership – Set yourself up for long term performance.

10:15 – 10.30 – Break – Networking and mingle

10:30 – 11.15 – Talk#2 – Mattias Wiking, CEO, Turborilla
– Maximizing Minions Output: Mastering Dark Arts in Workplace Culture.

11:15 – 12.00 – Talk#3 – Petra Skoglund, Entrepreneur & CPP, The Rightsizing Agency / Avalanche Studios Group
– Unlocking Your Dream Career: Turn Your Love for Games into a Thriving Profession!

Business and Finance track in conference room ”Älven”

Explore company strategies and growth within the gaming industry. From investment opportunities to financial management, this track will offer insightful discussions and practical advice for navigating the economic side of the gaming industry.

09:15 – 10.00 – Talk#1 – Harry Heath, Co-Owner, Cold Sector
– So You Want to Start an Indie Games Studio?

10:00 – 10.15 – Break – Networking and mingle

10:15 – 11.00 – Talk#2 – Tommy Persson, Founder and Partner & Annette Stavenow Eriksson, CEO and Partner –
– Legal Horror Stories – Tips to Avoid Traps for Video Game Studios.

11:00 – 11.45 – Talk#3 – Kajsa Grafström, CFO Lurkit, Founder GG Accounting
– Finance in Gaming – A CFO´s perspective on starting an indie studio.


We look forward to welcoming you to our conference and engaging with these exciting themes and presentations.

Please contact us for more information and press accreditation.


Our Speaker lineup for 2024

Leadership, HR and Careers Speaker – Petra Skoglund, Entrepreneur & Chief People Officer , The Rightsizing Agency / Avalanche Studios
Company Strategies and Growth Speaker – Johan Strömberg, Director Business Development, Wanderword
Business and Finance Speaker – Annette Stavenow, CEO and partner & Tommy Persson, founder and partner,
Business and Finance Speaker – Kajsa Grafström, CFO Lurkit, Founder GG Accounting
Keynote Panel Speaker – Joel Nallo,Senior 3D Artist/Designer, MetaGravity